No matter how realistic the map is, it at least offers a glimpse of what could be in store for MARTA's future, if about eight billion things go right. The final project, Clayton's proposed Commuter Rail, would theoretically be funded by tax revenue generated by Clayton County, though pennies don't really add up that quickly. Additionally, some funding could trickle down to streetcar service along the Beltline and an expansive network throughout the city. Those include the Connect 400 Heavy Rail to extend the Red Line to Windward Parkway, BRT and Heavy Rail extensions on the Interstate 20 Corridor and Light Rail on the Clifton Road Corridor to service Emory and the CDC. According to Lathbury, four of the seven new components of this dream system would be completely funded under the expansion proposal floated back in July. Let's ignore the fact that it seems unlikely the state will pony up a significant amount of money to make this happen. The county has added more than 300,000 residents since the early 2000s and the incredible population growth shows no sign of stopping. It’s a longterm approach to making Gwinnett an even better place to live, work, and play. While it's pretty optimistic to assume that all the projects are going to happen - considering that whole $8+ billion price tag - the map is at least slightly more plausible than the first iteration Lathbury whipped up this summer. After significant public input, the Connect Gwinnett transit plan was developed. And this time, Lathbury's eye-candy for mass-transit-ophiles is a bit more realistic.
Marta transit map update#
In honor of the system's progress, Jason Lathbury, a guy who apparently really likes making pro-grade MARTA maps, has sent us an update to his more fanciful MARTA map, highlighting seven potential projects and their impact on the system. (All that, despite Johns Creek's recent anti-MARTA resolution and Mark Toro's claims of racism stifling development - the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate.) With Clayton County joining the system, growth along the Gold Line plowing ahead, Red Line expansion plans in the works and even its own song, there's reason to believe the historically maligned system is posed for more growth. Please visit the Campbellton Corridor Transit Project virtual meeting room and provide your input on the project.MARTA's been having a pretty good year, running high on the success it was experiencing at the close of 2014. MARTA is improving connectivity, accessibility, and mobility in southwest Atlanta.

The anticipated time frame of operation for the project is 2031.Ĭampbellton Corridor Transit Project Virtual Meeting Room

This project will also examine the economic development potential of the corridor by evaluating transit-oriented development and joint-development strategies. Both modes offer high-capacity, frequent, and reliable service by operating in a mostly dedicated lane with transit signal priority and enhanced stations that feature modern amenities like real-time arrival information and pre-board ticketing. Initial project activities include an Alternative Analysis, which will study two high-capacity transit modes, Light Rail Transit (LRT), and Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) for the corridor. High-capacity transit service can assist in transforming the corridor into a vibrant, pedestrian-friendly, mixed-use community and could incentivize redevelopment efforts at Greenbriar Mall and Fort McPherson. The corridor, generally linking the Greenbriar Mall area to the Oakland City MARTA Station is home to established neighborhoods and businesses and is currently served by one of MARTA’s busiest bus routes (83 Campbellton Road). MARTA, in collaboration with the City of Atlanta, is investing in high-capacity transit in the Campbellton Corridor to improve connectivity, accessibility, and mobility in southwest Atlanta.